Friday, April 13, 2012

Pallet Wood Front Porch

When we bought this house, it was move-in ready - everything was in working order - but there were many things about this house that had not been updated since it was built, back in the late 50's. The front porch is a good example of this: It functioned, but it was a bit worse for wear, if'n you know what I mean! The concrete slab was cracked in the middle and sagged so that the porch was not level. The storm door was original to the house - aluminum and worn-looking.
The first thing we did, early on, was to replace the storm door. I found it through a radio program called Tradio - bought if from someone who was advertising that they had a storm door to sell. We brought it home and it was soon installed....

The planning stage is my favorite part of any project, and this porch was no exception: I thought about an upgrade for some years before we finally decided how we wanted to fix it. When someone gave us a slue of pallets, we had our solution: Fix the porch with pallet wood. Most folks, when they first see our pallet-wood porch, think we just laid whole pallets on the porch. Well, no, that's not how it happened: My husband laboriously and patiently took the pallets apart and de-nailed the boards. Then he planed them. 

The planing process revealed beautiful wood of all kinds - all hard woods, some of them exotic; we certainly had never seen some of those types of woods before. 

Bill had to pre-drill every screw hole before he could screw those boards together; they were that tough. Oh, yes, he broke many a drill bit in the making of this porch. The first thing we did was build a 'jig' - a frame to help us get every one of the 36" squares exactly the same size. We put together 18 36" squares using that jig, then added support boards to each one, then attached the resultant squares to the porch - leveling as we went. 

Once the top boards were in place, the porch was almost complete. 

We opted to finish the wood with a dark walnut stain. 

There was an area at the south end of the porch that was uuuuggly - it was part of the driveway and had concrete on it. It looked  like someone had patched a hole there at one time. There was more concrete next to the house, an obvious attempt to keep rain water out of the basement. It really was ugly!

So, with leftover pallet wood, we built a small deck/step leading up to the front porch.....

By this stage of the project, neighbors were making favorable comments - they liked what they were seeing happen to our porch...
Then we added a railing. The porch was almost done! This was a long process, a difficult project, but we loved working on it, and we now have a lovely front porch. Er, at least we think it's lovely!!!

This photo shows Bill, my husband, adding some stairs to the newly-finished front porch. That man! He is such a hard working guy . . . .

We eventually covered that old white metal post with nice wood.
To see what else we did with pallet wood, click this link.
Link to Pallet Wood in the Bathroom


  1. Well done! Can we get a photo of the front with the railing? This would be great for my backyard which has ugly broken concrete.


  2. Nice that you have documented this also in your post. I remember this well because at the same time you shared these by e-mail, we were discussing about wind chimes! I saw them there. Does Bill bill you for the work he does for you? :)

    1. Very nice, we made a floor for my Gazebo out of pallets, it looks good!!

  3. Thanks, Monika, for your kind words. I added another photo - this time from the front, sort of! If that doesn't serve your purposes, I can insert another, more recent pic.....

  4. Dinu: Hey, hey, hey! I help too, ya know. I am the idea person and the gofer - a role I hate, actually - and of course I supervise!!!!
    Wind chimes: Good idea. I was looking for a short post for this morning.....

  5. What a fabulous idea and what a fabulous look! Clever and recycling! What is better than that? (I'm a supervisor too. I'm good at it. LOL)

    1. Oh, yes! Supervising is hard work! I find that if one starts a directive with 'Honey....' or 'Dear...' things go a lot more smoothly!
      It's funny: For some years, we used barn wood and pallet wood, etc, but I never, ever thought of it as recycling. No! I thought of it as 'making-do.' Then someone used the word 'recycling' in re to some of our projects, and suddenly I realized that we were not only having a grand time, but we were being PC, too! Who knew?

    2. Now the new PC buzz word is "reclaimed" or the fashionable word is "upcycled".. Ha!! :D Love your project!!!!

    3. It's funny: We did so many projects with old reclaimed wood, and never once thought of it as recycling. Not until someone suggested we were doing it as recycling did that occur to me. No, we use(d) old wood because it's . . . . free!!
      We are sooooo cheap!
      Thanks you for the lovely comments. I appreciate it....

  6. Excellent idea and great job! We have been talking about collecting pallets to make a shed from but this is a great idea also.

  7. Thanks, Michele! Hey did you look at some of my other blog posts? There's a blog entry about our bathroom, for example; we used pallet wood in there too. Let me know if you find anything else you're interested in. Thanks. Did you, by the way, see the blog post about the workshop?
    Thanks again.

  8. Must be wood pallets are made differently in different areas. The ones in my area are all shabby and made of rough wood, nothing as thick as the pallets you found :)

    1. I did not hit the right button to 'reply,' so I'm not sure you got notice that I replied, all those months ago. I did reply, though, but not the right way, apparently. So sorry. Please read the comments I did make about your comments. Thanks.

  9. Indeed... where did you find pallets made of quality wood? I've seen a LOT of pallets in my day and not one of them would I trust not to rot out from under me if used as a porch floor.

  10. This is Great! Got me thinking about my back porch! ..hummmmm

  11. Wow what a great ideal it looks so nice congrats :)

    1. I did not hit the right button to 'reply,' so I'm not sure you got notice that I replied, all those months ago. I did reply, though, but not the right way, apparently. So sorry. Please read the comments I did make about your comments. Thanks.

  12. Note: Before I forget: Please check out the kitchen counter top redo post; we used barn wood for that. And there's a post on this blog that shows the pallet wood we put in the bathroom - I think that post was done in April...

  13. Thanks, everyone!! I'll pass your kind comments onto my dear husband....
    Those pallets came from a factory that makes industrial-sized doors, so the pallets have to be sturdy, hence the hard wood. Some of that wood was not familiar to us. We surmised that perhaps some of the wood came from S. America, or even Africa. We have no way of knowing.

  14. By the way (PS): Pinterest is awesome. I have to give a plug to that great website. After most of the remodel was done, I decided to blog about some of the projects. (And please note: Take photos of your projects, before during and after. OK? OK? OK?If I hadn't done that, there would have been no blog.....)
    Now, where was I? Oh, yes: Pinterest....
    After I would finish a blog entry, I would post a link to it on FB, and I sent links in private emails to family and friends, etc. Of course family and friends reacted with, 'Ho, hum, it's only Sue mouthing off again,' and I got little interest from those sources. But I also posted pics to pinterest, and that's what caused people to sit up and take notice. I have had thousands of hits on my blog because of Pinterest, folks...
    So please consider blogging about your own projects - I'd love to read about them - and don't forget to post photos to Pinterest.
    I'm just sayin'.....
    Thanks again. Susan

  15. I need to add one more thing . . . because I can!!!!
    One of my favorite things about these old-wood projects was watching them come out of the planer as my husband worked on those boards. What a treat!! We never knew what to expect, and it was thrilling to see those old, ratty boards come to life. The grain! The color! Well, you get the idea....
    I quit. No, don't try to talk me out of it, I really do least for now!!!

  16. Hi there! What a great idea!!!I'm interesting of fixing my back porch but there is a problem!There is no roof on top!Are the pallet's wood gonna have a problem with the rain water etc?

    1. put wood sealer paint or spray on each piece before use to get it all covered. it should be ok then. i want to do this in back of my house and i don't have a roof either. will it work everyone? answer back so we will know. thank to all very much.

    2. I did not hit the right button to 'reply,' so I'm not sure you got notice that I replied, all those months ago. I did reply, though, but not the right way, apparently. So sorry. Please read the comments I did make about your comments. Thanks.

  17. Beautiful... it's amazing what you can do with pallets. Any ideas for finding free ones?

    1. I did not hit the right button to 'reply,' so I'm not sure you got notice that I replied, all those months ago. I did reply, though, but not the right way, apparently. So sorry. Please read the comments I did make about your comments. Thanks.

  18. First of all, I have to say that the pallet wood was free. So our initial investment was small - screws, drill bits (plenty of drill bits because each hole had to be pre-drilled), planer blades, and so on. So that, we were able to invest in plenty of stain, to protect the wood. Secondarily, there are gaps between the boards, so stain ran down the sides of the boards, too, if you see what I mean. They make bathtubs out of wood, actually; with bathtubs, there have to be very closed joints, obviously. But used as decking? I'd say the gaps become important, so the wood can dry between exposures to rain and snow.
    And please note that the pallet wood porch we added extends beyond the eaves, so water and snow does get on part of the wood; it has held up fine so far.....

  19. Our pallets came from a company that makes huge doors - they use it for shipping and such. So I would ask around at companies that make huge things; maybe they have pallet wood that is also hard wood. This particular company has a deal with their employees: They are allowed to take as much pallet wood as they want to but cannot sell it, cannot make money off of it.....
    Yes, most pallets are not made of hard wood, and most pallets, let's face it, are used till they are ratty looking and falling apart. Hope you find some you like....
    And please check out the blog entries about the wooden counter tops we installed - those are made from barn wood. And the wood in our bathroom - also a blog entry - is pallet wood. For the counter tops and bathroom floor, we used tung oil to protect it. The dining room/kitchen floors is barn wood protected with polyurethane, also a blog entry....
    Hope this helps. Hope you have as much success with these wood projects as we have had...

  20. Excelente idea, ya estoy buscando mas tarimas para hacerla realidad

  21. fulldollar: I hope you find just the right pallets. Or perhaps you could find another source of wood, then share you new idea with the rest of us.....
    PS: I email in the Microsoft Outlook format. So I was able to hit 'Reply,' then highlight your message, then right click on it and hit 'Translate' in the drop box. In that way, your wonderful message became readable to me.
    Thanks for the comment.....

  22. Elbow grease and good old American ingenuity!

  23. Hi, Kathy!!
    Thanks for reading the blog entry about the front porch. We did the porch, oh, about 5 years ago, so it's fun to look back and comment about it all these years later....
    Most of the elbow grease was my husband's. I could barely drive one of those screws into that hard wood, so he did most of the drilling and screwing. The ingenuity came into play when I was trying to figure out what to do with all those lovely boards that were piling up in the garage. They were only @ 4 feet long, and of course porch boards would have to be longer. Then it occurred to me (inspiration!!) that we could put the boards together in 3' square units. Once that was decided - to make a sort of checkerboard - the rest fell into place.
    Thanks again for your comment, Kathy. I appreciate it......Susan

  24. It doesnt look like wood from wooden pallets. It looks thicker and better quality. Wood pallets are much thinner.. your deck looks quality, like 2x4's. What kind of wood pallets did you get ahold of?

    1. I did not hit the right button to 'reply,' so I'm not sure you got notice that I replied, all those months ago. I did reply, though, but not the right way, apparently. So sorry. Please read the comments I did make about your comments. Thanks.

  25. Hi, Mandylou! The wood is from a factory that moves very heavy objects. I believe the wood we got was used for packaging, shipping, and used within the plant to move large, heavy materials. Hence the hard wood. That's my guess. They were given to us, to I didn't ask many questions. I am just grateful for the wood.....
    I know the type pallets you are thinking of - ratty ones that are re-used so often they are a hazard. The ones we got are not re-used more than for one shipping/packing, apparently. Hope this answers your questions.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. For many years I have wanted to build a free standing portable deck out on my lawn and I have always envisioned this deck to be made from wood pallets... A portable patio is the perfect solution for a renter like me as I don't want to invest the money to build something permanent that I would eventually have to move away from.. The trouble is that I no longer have access to the good grade pallets that I used to have access to ... Mmmmm ... This article inspires me to get the lead out and start looking for a good source of pallets ... I would love to hear if anyone has any suggestions as to design .. etc

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Kimmy: I must tell that those pallets were made of hardwood. They were not the scruffy-looking pallets most of us are used to. But I say: Go for it.
    It's not so important how you do something as it is that you do it!!!!

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. You and your husband are doing a really great job in updating the old house. The front porch looks simple yet beautiful and unique. The house is looking good; what part of it are you going to work on next?

    Barrett Elmore

    1. I think I missed this comment, when you made it last March, Barrett!
      Yes, that is the BIG question around here: What will we get into next!
      Here's how it goes around here. This story is illustrative of how things work: After having darkish paint for years in the ping pong room side of the basement, my husband talked me into painting it a lighter shade. So we did that. Then we had to paint the floor, didn't we?! I'd always wanted to paint the trim boards black, so we did that too!
      We're just wrapping up another yard-saling season. I mention this because many of our projects involve materials we find at yard sales. Sometimes, too, people off us free stuff - see post titled How To Make a Workshop with Three Telephone Poles and An Old Boot.
      Thanks for your comments!
      PS: How I do run on!

    2. I did not hit the right button to 'reply,' so I'm not sure you got notice that I replied, all those months ago. I did reply, though, but not the right way, apparently. So sorry. Please read the comments I did make about your comments. Thanks.

  32. Thanks, Barrett.
    That is always the question, isn't it? What fun will we have next? We recently re-painted the basement; that can be seen on my Year in Pictures Blog. I don't know if I can add a link here, but I'll try....
    Thanks again for your kind comments. We press on....
    PS: Do you do projects, too, that you can share with others?

  33. What a great looking porch, Ive been trying to come up with ideas for mine and I think I found it.

  34. I hope it works out for you. There comes a time in every project when I ask myself, 'Would I do anything differently if I had it to do over again?' I think I would not put a railing on, for one thing. The law says if the decking is 24 inches off the ground it needs a rail, but ours is not that high. And I think I would stain it a lighter color, too. Just some thoughts. Thanks for your comment. Susan

  35. I really like what you did with the floors. The pattern was simple, yet looked great when you implemented it. Being a fan of the natural look, I approve that you used wood stain rather than painting it. For me, if it’s outside, gotta use stain. :)

    Angelina Garcia

  36. Thanks, Angelina. To keep the pattern simple, we used a jig to fit the boards together. Each board was cut to size and fit into the jig. That way we were able to get the right size (36") for each of the 18 squares without too much hassle. The boards were all different thicknesses, and without that jig, well, I would've lost my mind!

  37. This is really cool! I work in solid waste management, recycling area for City of Houston. We applaud your efforts to build something beautiful and to save space in the landfills with great pieces that make for a very enjoyable porch. Kuddos to the skills and effort. Jennifer

  38. I love that we used the wood from downed trees, Jennifer. A tree takes so many years to grow but can be burnt up in minutes. Thanks for your wonderful comment.....

  39. I can only imagine the amount of effort in planing every single one of those pallets. And it really does look like it was already put in there in one piece, what with the smooth fit and minimal spacing in it. Question though: did you plan on raising the porch, or was just a happy coincidence of putting the frames for the pallets to get attached to?

    Sol Hendricks

  40. As soon as we thought in terms of a deck covering the old cracked concrete, the next consideration was whether we had room to set the joist boards in place, with boards atop them . . . and still be able to use the door! In the end, we had to raise the door sweep just a hair, so it worked out OK. The alternative to all this - and if I'd known, as you indicate, how much work this pallet porch would be we might have gone with that alternative: poured concrete over the existing slab. These were all considerations, for sure. In the end, my main concern became an asthetic one: Would it be weird to have the porch ceiling so close to our heads after we raised the porch! But I got around my concerns soon enough. (This surely makes it easier to change the light bulb!)
    Thanks for your comments. It would seem you've had experience with planing and such. My husband put in a lot of hours with the planing, yes, but he seems to enjoy it, for which I am grateful. I'm not sure the neighbors appreciated his early-morning planing habits, though! I do a great imitation of a planer in action, by the way; I do this imitation when I want to stress to listeners what our neighbors heard at 7am some mornings!
    Thanks again, Sol.

  41. Just wondering I need lots of pallets here in Georgia and love this idea but how did you get them to your house if you do not have a car? :( any ideas

    1. I did not hit the right button to 'reply,' so I'm not sure you got notice that I replied, all those months ago. I did reply, though, but not the right way, apparently. So sorry. Please read the comments I did make about your comments. Thanks.

  42. Hm. You don't have a car? Did I get that right, EmBee? Could you put out the word to family and friends that you need pallets transported to your home?
    I admit that we have the ideal situation here, for projects: We have two trucks, and our grown sons have trucks too. We also have a burn pile and can burn any unwanted parts of the pallets. But this was no always so, this ideal situation. We did not even own a home until 8 1/2 years ago. We rented for all the years before that. I think I was 50 years old when we bought this house. We lived in rentals for the first, oh, 22 years of our marriage. So my answer to your questions is: Wait till the time is right. In the meantime, plan for the future. Plan, plan, plan. The planning stage is the most important part of any project anyway, and it's also the most fun part of any project, so you are in a good place.....
    Hope it all works out for you.
    Jesus, please give EmBee the desires of her heart.....

  43. I would have never thought to do that! It's funny how much of a difference decks can make on a house.

    1. So true! I don't know if you noticed the blog entry about the deck we put up? I mention that because I had wanted a deck in that spot for years, and when I finally saw it happen, I asked myself, and everyone around me too, 'What is it about a deck?' You are so right: Decks are . . . . just . . . . different. Why, I still am not sure!

  44. It's a lovely porch, thanks for the idea!
    we have so many pallets lying around and are always looking for good ideas to re-use the wood!

    1. If they are hardwood pallets, you're good to go, Samantha. Though it would be fun to take on the challenge of finding ways to use other types of pallets....
      Oh, and please share any ideas you come up with; I'd love to see your pallet projects....

  45. Thanks for the information. I am currently in the planning stage of a very ambitious remodeling and re landscaping project for my back yard. I have a grand vision of a deck that connects to the 2nd floor of my house and has an outdoor spiral staircase leading to the ground level. Anyway, I'm researching some building material and methods online in order to plan my starting point. Do you suggest real wood, or some other material?

    1. With planter boxes attached to the spiral staircase as it goes up and up! Flowers dripping over the edge! Oh, yes, I like that idea!
      Your comment reminds me of a recent email: A friend's hubby does not like pressure-treated wood! From what I gather, some arguments ensued when they went to add new decking to their back yard!
      I don't like [plastic] composite woods for one reason: People donate their milk containers . . . . then 'wood' is made from them . . . and they charge sooo much for that product. The plastic is essentially free, yet they charge so much! It's the principle of the thing!
      Beyond that, I have no opinion yea or nay in re to wood choices.
      I would love to see your finished outdoor projects. Please inform when done. Thanks. Susan

  46. Susan, I want a deck so bad and can't afford the wood. I got estimates and it was over $2,000 for the deck I want. We have a pallet company up the road from where we live so I can get the wood there, just wondering if I can use this Idea on a floating deck at least two feet off the ground. Thanks for your blog.

    1. Hello! Have you checked out any ideas on pinterest, for different options for decks? You might also check to see what the building codes in your town say about railings: Where we live, if the deck is 24" or higher, you have to have railings!
      beyond that, I'm sure someone will come up with a way to make a deck with whole pallets, maybe just piling them up on the ground. With enough plantings around it, that might look really nice. I love a challenge, so your question is a provocative one for me! Thanks for the comment. Hope you have a deck soon, and I pray that it works out for you. Susan

  47. So creative and beautiful! I absolutely LOVE it!

    1. Hey, you! Thanks!
      I just checked out your 2-Create blog, Mindi! I love it! I signed up to get bulletins in emails.
      Did you happen to see the post about our pallet wood bathroom? It's in the list for May, 'Pallet Wood the bathroom.'

  48. That is awesome! I have been trying to find a good way to put a front deck in for my home, here in Kitchener. I think that it would be nice, and have a sweet look to it!

    1. Our pallet wood front porch is definitely unique. Some people, I know, eschew 'unique' at every turn, though. But we have had many compliments on the porch. In fact, it is the most popular post out of all the blog entries in Redo Redux.
      Thanks for your comments, Jason. Hope it all works out for you. Perhaps you can find materials to use for your deck that are unique to your needs.

  49. This is such a great idea!! your porch is beautiful!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I have to admit that I wrote all of the posts for Redo Redux for myself - so I could have fun reliving past projects. So it's always a pleasant surprise when others enjoy those posts, Brenda! Thank you for your lovely comments. So glad you like the porch, so glad to have met you! Hugs. Susan

  50. It’s a blog with full of latest and spectacular information’s – This blog has helped me to gain much more information.

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  51. Thanks, Joseph! I've said it before, I'll say it again: We enjoyed all of these projects tremendously, so if anyone else enjoys them, well, that's icing on the cake!

  52. Hi
    Hi, I was simply checking out this blog and I really admire the premise of the article this is regarding and this is really informative dave burke

    1. Dave: Thanks for taking time to comment. I really appreciate it. If there is a premise to this blog - and now you've got me thinking about that - it's this: Have fun and take pics along the way so you can share with others the fun you've had.
      Thanks again for your comments. You made my day! Susan

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. This is fabulous! You did an impressive job!

    1. Thanks, Brenda! I look forward to warmer weather so we can actually use our front porch again. Cold winter here this year!


    1. Oh, oh! We added a wooden sheath around that metal thingie a long time ago and I never added a photo of it! Thank you for reminding me. Your mind works like mine. You might be a bit concerned about that! Just kidding. Thanks for your comments. PS: We had to wait till we found just the right wood to cover that metal post.

    2. I just added a photo of that post. Thanks again! Susan

  56. This is by far THEEEE best pallet up-do I've ever seen...

    1. Well, thank you, Jamala! If you ever try something like this, please read the comments and my replies to them. I have tried to explain some of the ins adn outs of this project so that others can try it.
      The key, I think, to this project was the inspiration about how to use boards that were @ 42" long. How to use those to make a huge deck/porch? Once that problem was addressed, the rest fell into place without a hitch. Happy creating to you! Susan

  57. IT is truly a beautiful porch, but as a forester who works with pallwts I have some concerns, submitted respectfully:
    1. Sealing the wood on the top will not necessarily prevent water from leaking through screw holes, between boards, and causing the wood beneath to rot.
    2. A spacer between the concrete and the bottom boards would possibly allow the water to drain off and the boards to not have to stand in water which might slow the rotting process.
    3. Untreated wood, matters not whether it is hardwood or pine, is susceptible to termites, especially when the water content is suitable for them, and :
    4. wood untreaated beneath, if watersoaked, will allow fungus to spread below the top seal, causing visible changes to the color and grain of the wood beneath the sealer. Wood can "wick" water from the bottom up the cells into the top of the wood, getting under the sealer from the bottom up, instead of through the sealer..

    1. You remind me of the time - lo those many years ago - when I read book after book to teach myself to can, to preserve food in jars. Every book said the same thing; they all emphasized to a fare-thee-well the need for cleanliness. By the time I got done with my research, I was sick and tired of reading the same thing over and over again! Then something occurred to me: The writers of those canning books were writing for the lowest common denominator: They had to emphasize cleanliness because there are some unclean people out there. The authors of those books were speaking to them, not to me - I have a clean kitchen.
      This blog entry was NOT written for the lowest common denominator. And it was not written as a how-to on porch-building. Unlike those books on canning, I assume that the readers of this blog are knowledgeable about important construction techniques. And I wrote this blog for my own enjoyment, for sure.
      You are so right, Ed, precautions must be taken, proper building techniques need to be employed. No question. And in fact, these precautions go far beyond those things you mention. (I am thinking about how I researched building codes in our area, etc.)
      So, yes, by all means follow the rules when building such a thing. By all means!
      Thank you for your thoughtful and knowledgeable comments, Ed. I appreciate it.
      Oh, and one more thing about those canning books: While they all stressed certain things, none of those books addressed certain other issues that are important to canning; those things, I had to learn on my own. I think that is true of any endeavor: After planning and researching, in the end, it's time to JUST DO IT.
      Thanks again, Ed. By the way, my dear daddio's name was Ed. He would come to our home, eager to see what new project we'd been working on since he'd been here last. I miss you him so.

  58. Replies
    1. Please see my comments to Cardens Firewood, just below this comment. Thanks.

  59. Thats a very clever idea and your right palleys can have sum amazingly exotic and nice hardwoods in them. I work in the logging industry and i know for a fact that we have delivered white/red oak locust gum maple cherry pecan hickory beech black birch and numerous other hardwoods to the local pallet factory and alot of the local tree services deliver logs from trees they take down to the pallet factory were its all roighly cut and put together.

    1. Oh, oh! I wish you'd been here as that wood came out of the planer! We marveled at the beautiful woods that emerged, but we had no idea what some of those woods were. So beautiful! I wish you'd been here to inform us!
      That wood was so hard, we had to pre-drill every screw hole. (A great way to teach one's grandchild how to use a drill, by the way.) I mention this because one of the costs of making that porch was drill bits! Lots and lots of drill bits! We tried all brands, in our effort to find a kind that would take the pressure. Screws, drill bits, concrete and planer blades were our only expenses, though. The wood was free. And the stain I got at a yard sale, cheap, cheap. I did a quick tally after we were done, and as I recall it cost about $120.00 to make this pallet wood porch.
      PS: One of the woods I called 'zebra wood.' I have no idea what it was, but it looked like that wood I've seen people use on TV. Stunning wood. In an earlier comment, I wrote that if I had it to do all over again, I would use a lighter stain so that the grains would show through more.
      Thanks for your comments. I really appreciate you and people like you, people who join in the fun. For that, in the end, needs to be said: My husband and I made a memory that will last a lifetime, in the construction of that porch. Priceless! So thanks for adding to that memory. Susan

  60. Just beautiful. I haven't read everyone's comments so someone may have said this already but your new porch reminds me of "Mayberry". It's very inviting to sit back, relax, and enjoy a hard days work while also inviting neighbors to also " come sit a spell". :) I'm 47 years old so I did not have the opportunity to know what it was like in Mayberry USA, but I love watching reruns of the Andy Griffith Show, and your hard work on this porch reminds me of that era. Thank you for sharing you, and your husbands hard and very creative work with the rest if us. I just stumbled upon "this post" of tours but I'm assuming you're still blogging? Blessings and peace to you and your household from Branson, Missouri!

  61. Dow: I don't blog at all now. After working on this house for all those years, I worked for about 2 months to put together the redo/redux blog....then I stopped blogging. Interestingly, this blog has garnered, so far, over 200,000 hits - most of them, by far, were hits caused by pictures of this porch on pinterest. I have not been inspired to blog since I finished the 40+ entries for this blog, oh, about 2 years ago. Who knows what this future holds for me in this regard? It would be easier to answer the question 'Where does motivation come from?!'
    I love the idea that the pallet wood porch reminds you of Mayberry! Didn't Andy serenade his girlfriend on his porch in that show? Can't recall the girlfriend's name!
    Blessings and peace to you and your household from Marion, Ohio! Susan

  62. Susan, I really love your work on the front porch. I am planning on making an entire deck out of pallets and was wondering if you made up anything on paper that might be emailable. My email is Any help or advise would be appreciated.
    Thank you

    1. Sure, I can send you and email and outline my calculations for the porch, but I don't have anything on paper. The email will mark the first time I've written anything down!
      Thanks for your kind comments. There are a lot of details in the comments, so please read those to get more info. Susan

  63. This looks gorgeous! I am so glad that you shared it on your blog. I will be showing this to my husband when he gets up. It's crazy all the things that you can do with pallets and some imagination and hard work!

  64. I LOVE your name - cheap IS the new classy; very well put. I like to tease that we did not set out to conserve and re-use valuable resources when we used pallet/barn wood; that's just all we had to use, so we used it!
    Thank you for your wonderful comments. I'm glad I took the time to chronicle our re-dos on this house; it allowed me to relive the fun we had on all these projects.
    In addition to cheap, don't you think that people, too, are looking for authenticity?
    I'll never forget the look on my brother Paul's face when he first saw our redone bathroom: He looked sort of stunned, shook his head, and mumbled, 'Pallet wood....' He's a builder by trade and he's open to new ideas, and I could tell the pallet wood in the bathroom got his creative juices flowing.
    So we have enjoyed these projects in more than one way, and it continues.
    Thanks again.
    PS: I'd love to know what your hubby thinks.

  65. Wow! What a beautiful wood deck has come out.. I really impressed by your hard work. Hope to see some more interesting works done by you. I suggest to follow up Deck Repair Michigan

  66. Absolutely beautiful! I love it! My concern is that pallet wood is generally untreated and warps easily. has it held up? Any rotting along the ground?

  67. Thanks, Melissa!
    Because that pallet wood porch is suspended over a cement slab, it has not deteriorated at all. If you knew my husband, you'd know that he would address any such issues immediately, anyway; he's a go-getter for sure.
    My biggest concern, in re the front porch, is the places where the railing boards meet the decking. Since the porch now extends out beyond the eaves, it gets exposed to rain and snow. I watch that area the most, for any signs of deterioration. If such a thing starts to happen, we could just take the railing off. I think I liked the porch better without the railing anyway. And keep in mind that when we make something ourselves, we can also fix it if it comes to that.
    Thanks again for your comments. What fun this porch has been, in more ways than one.

  68. wow that would take a tremendous amount of time and dedication! WTG - we've got tons of pallets at work but most of them are the painted type and have had chemicals on them but I love how people can find new uses and are willing to take the time to re use

    1. binabug! You got it: A lot of time and dedication! But it was also fun. You know how it goes: one project feeds into another project.....and another!
      A thought: If you can't find pallets to play with, perhaps there is something in your area - and available to you - that you need to but look at in a different way. Oh, I think I'm going to take that advice my own self and look around for something new to play with!

  69. Could you let me know what you had to buy?? All I can find is thin pallets up here in Alaska???

    1. Carolyn: We were given the pallets. They were from a factory that makes giant doors. You will also see info on my blog about the barns we used for other projects; my husband found them near our home and asked the owners if he could have those barns.
      So the only thing we have to buy is screws and drill bits, and we've run through two planers so far, and planer blades too - we've had to buy some of those, of course. Stain I found at a yard sale - I bought quarts of stain for 50 cents and a 1.00.
      PS: I love revisiting these projects when I respond to remarks made about the blog. So thank you for asking! Thank you for your kind remarks. Susan

  70. Great idea, when i think of how many pallets our grandkids burned for bonfires!!
    Amazing what your hard work produced. thanks forsharing.

    1. Oh, Kay! Thank YOU for reading my blog! I appreciate it. I tease that, while family and friends pretty much ignore my blog, total strangers are interested! Oh, well; I am making new friends - friends who feel like long lost family! So, thanks again! Susan

  71. HI just want to know what you used to level the porch out and is the material you used for the leveling sufficient?

    1. I don't know all the lingo, Johan, but I'll try....
      We were dealing with 18 3'x3' increments - see photos - so we leveled from section to section, starting in a corner and referencing the one beside it to level each element. My husband screwed one 3-foot-square to the one next to it, then we used the level to establish level, and so on. Each corner intersection was then built upon a sort of hard-wood piling: the bottom board was tap-conned to the existing concrete, then wood pieces piled on top and screwed to that base. In this way, we moved across the porch, adding pieces and leveling each one as we went. Sure, we could have opted for a more traditional long-board structure, and leveling those long(er) boards would have been a lot easier. But there was a problem with that idea: By the time we attached boards to the house, then added decking, the porch would have been higher than the front door opening, if you see what I mean. The method we used circumvented that problem, and was a definite consideration in the design of the porch. Hope this answers your question. And thank you for leaving a comment. Susan

  72. Those looking for good pallets breeds to find a roofing company. My husband is a roofer and is all the time get solid oak pallets that are 6-10 feet long!! And they are Heavy!!

    1. Good tip, Missy Sue! That is the number one question I get: Where did you get such nice pallet wood! Thanks!

  73. Just in the process of finishing up my pallet deck. I got the criss cross idea from your photo on Pinterest. Thanks!

    1. Do you have any pics of the deck you made? I am on Facebook under the name Susan Hirneise Moore. Perhaps you could message me there and send me pics? I would like that.....

  74. Replies
    1. Thanks! What a fun project this was, and I love to relive it. Comments like yours help me do this, remind me to revisit past projects. Thanks again!

  75. Beautiful job on this porch you created , would love to this also however the pallets are becoming hard to come by seems a LOT of people have seen projects like yours and others who have re-purpose pallets and now you have to pay for pallets were around here in the Northern California it use to be free ! Love your landscaping also great job thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas

    1. Thanks for your awesome comments! Yes, I so agree with you about supply and demand; all of a sudden people realize they can sell their pallets/barns! So.....I'm thinking we'll just have to come up with new ideas about what resources to 'mine.' Hm. That gets my mind whirring, thinking about what other options there might be out there that no one has tapped into before.
      I love it when people take time to leave comments. Thank again. Happy creating!!!! Susan

  76. Love it. Looks like a giant parquet porch!

    1. And inside that front a real parquet floor, in the front hallway. You are so right. I also think of the quilt design called 'rail fence.'
      Thanks for taking the time to comment, sweetie!!

  77. How did you stabilize the wood to the concrete so that it did not shift?

    1. This deck is built, essentially, on stilts. At the base of each 'leg' is a board that has been anchored to the old concrete slab with something my husband calls tap-cons - screws/bolts designed to use with concrete. The concrete was in good shape but had a few large cracks in it. So we had to adjust each component of the deck as we went along, based on the level of the concrete beneath each 'leg.' Does that make sense? Did I say that right? My husband, literally, knows the nuts and bolts of the how-to's, something that I appreciate about him tremendously. I'm more like, 'Hey, let's do this! without regard for whether my design ideas are doable, so we compliment each other beautifully. Thanks for your question, Michelle. Hope this helps. Susan

  78. You have been looking for . . . . this post? On my blog? Please explain. Thanks. Susan

  79. Replies
    1. I've given this some thought: I think what people are looking for is . . . . authenticity. So concrete flooring made to mimic wood flooring would not be an authentic thing. Plus - and you can see this in the second picture of this blog entry - the original concrete floor(ing) did not hold up to the test of time; it cracked and sagged. The porch is covered, and I think water was a factor in the demise of the concrete: Rain and snow did not readily dry and the concrete was eventually compromised.
      We were given the hardwood pallets (authenticity), and had to come up with a design that would allow us to use these shorter pieces of wood to span the size we needed (authenticity).
      The porch is still dark most of the time, but the spaces between the boards allow water to run off of the wood.
      Will this pallet wood front porch stand the test of time? I have my doubts! But unlike concrete, if it starts to deteriorate, we can easily pull it out of there and burn it - no big deal.
      Thanks for your comments. It got me thinking. And thanks for the 'wood flooring' link.

  80. You havent had any issues with the new porch shifting? I have the same concrete patio set up as you with cracks and all and was told by a few contractors that any attempt to build on top of it will result in warping and buckling as the slab shifts during winter/ freezing thawing.

  81. You havent had any issues with the new porch shifting? I have the same concrete patio set up as you with cracks and all and was told by a few contractors that any attempt to build on top of it will result in warping and buckling as the slab shifts during winter/ freezing thawing.

  82. I saw a lot of 2x4s, but I certainly didn't see any "pallet" wood.

  83. Mark K: Oh, I never thought to take pics of the pallets before we disassembled them. These are pallets used to transport parts for industrial-sized doors. They are hard wood, for the most part. Every board you see in the pics, in this blog entry, are from pallets. The pallets were taken apart. Then the nails were removed. Then my husband put those boards through a planer. Did you happen to see the Pallet Wood in the Bathroom blog entry, by the way?? Did you read some of what I wrote in this blog entry? If you read what I wrote, and read the comments, you'll learn more about this pallet wood. Thanks for your comments. Susan

  84. pallet wood? I've never heard of 2"x3" wood used on pallets? but the porch does look nice :)

  85. A wooden decking is a awesome location to experience starry nights as well as a few small dinner events. But building a wooden decks with none guidelines isn’t always that easy in case you are not a professional timber employee.

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  89. hi I was wondering how much this project cost I would have to get the pallets but I like this idea it looks good

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    Liquidation pallets near you offer a cost-effective way to purchase surplus inventory, allowing businesses and resellers to access a wide variety of products at significantly reduced prices. These pallets typically include items such as electronics, home goods, and clothing, sourced from retailers looking to clear excess stock. By buying liquidation pallets locally, you can save on shipping costs while discovering unique products for resale or personal use.


  142. american pallet liquidatorsspecializes in providing discounted liquidation pallets filled with a variety of retail merchandise, including electronics, home goods, and apparel. Catering primarily to resellers and bargain hunters, the company sources overstock and returned items from major retailers, allowing customers to purchase bulk lots at significantly reduced prices, making it an excellent resource


  143. pallet liquidators near me nearby provide a treasure trove of discounted merchandise, allowing shoppers to purchase excess inventory at unbeatable prices. Whether you're a reseller or just hunting for bargains, these warehouses offer a diverse range of products from top brands.

  144. american pallet liquidatorsspecializes in sourcing and selling discounted merchandise through pallet sales. Offering a wide range of products, they provide businesses and resellers with opportunities to maximize profits on bulk purchases.

  145. american pallet liquidatorsis a company specializing in liquidation pallets, offering a wide range of overstock and returned products. Based in Jeffersonville, Indiana, they provide discounted bulk pallets that include a variety of items such as electronics, t

  146. american pallet liquidatorsspecializes in selling pallets and truckloads of liquidated merchandise, catering primarily to resellers and businesses looking to source excess inventory at discounted prices.
